For #supportsmallseptember we reached out to one of our favourite copper artists Isaac Weston, to do an interview for our blog. Isaac Weston is a copper artist from New Zealand who creates incredible copper wall art, copper mixed media art and copper sculptures. 

1. Who are you and what is your background? 
Isaac Weston, a copper artist from Tauranga, New Zealand.
Previously I was a chef and travel agent and gave all of that up 5 years ago to be a full time artist. I've always been creative but decided after a long career in travel that I had lost the passion for the office work and sales targets and trips away without my wife. All good getting a free trip to somewhere exotic until you have to share a room with some random stranger.
I'd much rather hang out with someone I like.

2. You own 2 businesses, Isaac Weston Art and ReWorkIt, what does each business specialise in? Why do you keep this work separate? 
Yes, I decided early on to separate my brands into my high end indoor wall artwork that I sell through a lot of galleries throughout NZ. 
Then I have my mixed media brand ReWorkIt, this includes my outdoor sculptures and artwork, also all of my indoor smaller sculptures and gallery pieces like copper whale tails and sea urchin. Also my mountain silhouette artworks.

3. What was the first piece you ever made? And how long ago was that? And how long have you been doing this for? 
The first piece was one of my sun dials 7 years ago for our garden.
I then started tinkering around with garden sculptures with railway sleepers and copper I had lying around. Then, creating sculptures for family for 7 years wedding anniversaries. And then it just took off.

4. What is your favourite piece you've ever made and where is it now?
One of my favourites is the giant 3.2mtr x 2.2mtr copper 3D whale tail.

It was the most stressful, I lost sleep over it and hanging it on the clients wall turned into a total disaster. But it all worked out in the end as it always does. And looks amazing hanging on their 3 story staircase. 

5. What are some notable features of your work? (Purchased/worn by public figures or celebrities)
I have just recently installed 2 huge artworks on The Block NZ show and the judges loved them and the room won. Also, our Prime minister Hon Jacinda Ardern wears my blue patina copper earrings on a regular basis on TV so great to see them. 
6. What is your favourite item to make?
Definitely the large copper circle artworks as they come out so different, so I'm always excited to see what the finished artwork will look like.

I know what my least favourite is! And of course it's one of my most popular.
The sets of 3 whale tails. As they are all hand cut after cutting 60 tails out I cant move my hands the next day.
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Probably doing the same, I'll be working with a lot of galleries over the next 2 years and that means more trips around NZ meeting with gallery owners and dropping off artwork.

8. Do you have any 'influences' or idols in the art world, people that you draw inspiration from? If yes, who?
I think we are so lucky in this new age that we can follow other artists creations from around the world on social media and give support to each other. I try to just create my own style. But love seeing what others are doing. One like or comment about my artwork from a fellow copper artist is always a boost for the soul.

9. As we know you are based in New Zealand, do you ship worldwide? If not, where do you ship to? Can we get your incredible work in Australia?
I have sent my creations overseas to the US, Canada and Australia.
However, I don't really focus on the overseas market as I'm too busy keeping up with the NZ market. 
10. Is there anything you would like to say about you, your businesses' your art, the art world or even a favourite quote?
I love what I do, I love creating and coming up with new ideas.
I don't create all of them as its just myself and I don't have the time.

However, I have a fairly good life balance and only work 5-6hrs a day as decided it's a marathon and not a sprint and don't want to burn out or lose interest in what I'm doing. Plus we live in an amazing area where I can surf and my wife and I can go out for coffee at the beach every day. And that's important.

I definitely couldn't do this without the support of my wife. I couldn't be married to an artist we are all a bit crazy!
If you're loving what you've read and want to see some more of Isaac's incredible art and sculpture work head to: to browse and purchase or, if you want to follow along his journey, you can find Isaac on Instagram here:
As always, 
Thanks for reading along. We appreciate you being here. 
- Cam + Beth 
September 10, 2021 — Elizabeth Fleming

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